by Bill | Apr 23, 2011 | Hinduism, Who Goes There?
On March 28, 2011 Jay Leno had guest star Russell Brand, the actor from the new Arthur movie. What caught my attention was Russell’s comments on a meditation technique he uses called “Transcendental Meditation” or TM for short. Jay Leno: “Now I want to ask you...
by Bill | Apr 21, 2011 | Who Goes There?
I ran across a story of a well known spiritual leader in India who is on life support. He needs kidney dialysis and needs a ventilator to breath. He has millions of followers in India and many more from more than 100 countries around the world. His followers believe...
by Bill | Apr 20, 2011 | Calvinism
On October 10th, 2010 Mark Cahill, an American author, speaker, and evangelist, wrote a response to his beliefs about Calvinism. You can read it for yourself here. His response caused some ruffled feathers among some Christian circles, mostly from Calvinists, who...
by Bill | Apr 5, 2011 | Changed Lives, Who Goes There?
1 Timothy 2:3-43 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Belief in “god” I was raised a Catholic. I attended Catholic grade school, middle school and high...
by Bill | Jun 10, 2009 | Who Goes There?
Monday June 8th a story came out of a boy who has recurring nighmares about planes and battles from World War II, including his own death in a fighter plane! This went on for months. The concerned parents didn’t know what to think or what to do about...
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