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Transcendental Misconceptions

Transcendental Misconceptions

On March 28, 2011 Jay Leno had guest star Russell Brand, the actor from the new Arthur movie.  What caught my attention was Russell’s comments on a meditation technique he uses called “Transcendental Meditation” or TM for short. Jay Leno: “Now I want to ask you...
Indian ‘living god’ in critical condition

Indian ‘living god’ in critical condition

I ran across a story of a well known spiritual leader in India who is on life support. He needs kidney dialysis and needs a ventilator to breath. He has millions of followers in India and many more from more than 100 countries around the world. His followers believe...
Mark Cahill’s Response to Calvinism

Mark Cahill’s Response to Calvinism

On October 10th, 2010 Mark Cahill, an American author, speaker, and evangelist, wrote a response to his beliefs about Calvinism. You can read it for yourself here. His response caused some ruffled feathers among some Christian circles, mostly from Calvinists, who...
God’s Truth 101 – My Testimony

God’s Truth 101 – My Testimony

1 Timothy 2:3-43 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Belief in “god” I was raised a Catholic.  I attended Catholic grade school, middle school and high...
Reincarnated WWII Fighter Pilot?

Reincarnated WWII Fighter Pilot?

Monday June 8th a story came out of a boy who has recurring nighmares about planes and battles from World War II, including his own death in a fighter plane!  This went on for months.  The concerned parents didn’t know what to think or what to do about...