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God’s Truth 101 – My Testimony

God’s Truth 101 – My Testimony

1 Timothy 2:3-43 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Belief in “god” I was raised a Catholic.  I attended Catholic grade school, middle school and high...

Give Me Your Eyes

I’ve been listening to some great Christian music lately.  One song in particular has really been speaking to me.  It’s called “Give Me Your Eyes” by Brandon Heath.  In the song, Heath describes a typical scene, an air traveler landing at an...

A Modern Jonah

I’ve been thinking for a couple weeks now about what I wanted my first STP blog post to be about. A few ideas popped into my head, but nothing that really stuck. I knew that, in His time, the inspiration would come. And here it is, at two in the morning, when I...