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“Descent Into Error” Part 3

“Descent Into Error” Part 3

Continued from “Descent Into Error” Part 2 Judgement without Discernment Occasionally debates would arise about Calvinism.  During different debates the group argued “the issues of Calvinism are not important, what is important is if we all...
“Descent Into Error” Part 3

“Descent Into Error” Part 2

Continued from “Descent Into Error” Part 1 Mottos to live by? If you listen to enough preachers or read enough eventually you will adopt some of their catch-phrases.  Things like “The Word of God is like a lion.  Let it out of its cage and...
“Descent Into Error” Part 3

“Descent Into Error” Part 1

This is the true story of a witnessing team’s birth and its subsequent fall into the errors of Calvinism by some of its members. I decided to write this as a warning to others who may be involved with Calvinists who evangelize or who may be on the verge of...