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“Descent Into Error” Part 2

“Descent Into Error” Part 2

Continued from “Descent Into Error” Part 1 Mottos to live by? If you listen to enough preachers or read enough eventually you will adopt some of their catch-phrases.  Things like “The Word of God is like a lion.  Let it out of its cage and...
“Descent Into Error” Part 2

“Descent Into Error” Part 1

This is the true story of a witnessing team’s birth and its subsequent fall into the errors of Calvinism by some of its members. I decided to write this as a warning to others who may be involved with Calvinists who evangelize or who may be on the verge of...

Witnessing Tips: Mormons

Basics about Mormonism: Taken from On almost all points from the beginning of God and man in the Garden of eden to the after life they have a different view than the Holy Scriptures. They believe man is a spirit creature...

Witnessing Tips: Jehovah’s Witness

Tips for Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses Basics about JW’s: Satan is the originator of the idea of the Trinity. The Father is the supreme God whose real name is Jehovah. Jesus is a created being known originally as Michael the Archangel; he is “a...